Fowler Gyn International

The Experts in Vaginal Health Care

Fowler Gyn International

475 Biltmore Way

Suite 401

Coral Gables, FL 33134


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Nutritional Basis for Vaginal Health

There are three constituents in a healthy vagina. Lactobacillus bacteria, maturated squamous cells and plasma from the blood stream. This BLOG will discuss where Maturated Squamous Cells come from.

Squamous Cells: Most people think these are cancer cells. They can be but most the time the term refers to the normal cells composing the surface of  skin and the vaginal lining. Your vagina is composed of thick rugated stratified squamous mucosa. Rugated means they are folded on top of each other and stratified means they are bunched up in layers. That means the vagina lining looks like the waves in the surf approaching the beach. Specifically, the lining is not smooth but is a series of ridges produced by folding of the wall of the vaginal lining known as the mucosa. The folding in and out enables it to greatly expand for intercourse and especially for childbirth. The older a woman gets and the more sexual intercourse she has had, the rugations tend to flatten out and become less pronounced. In a healthy marital relationships, women are likely to have had intercourse 6000 times by the age of 50. Even then, most women maintain good vaginal rugations with muscle snugness and moisture given the woman has paid some attention to exercise and perhaps hormone use. The word squamous sounds like cancer because so many cancers are of squamous cell derivation. But in fact it’s the same cell line as the skin covering the human body and vagina except the vagina is non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium meaning it does not develop the tough outer layer composed of keratin. This means it has no potential for callus formation; a distinct advantage for the vagina.

Squamous Cell Maturation: The vaginal mucosa is the wall of the vagina. It consists of multiple layers but only four cell types each representing different stage of development. The deepest layer is composed of Basal Cells. These cell have just developed into squamous cells derived from the basement membrane. Basal Cells are the newest cells that are forming to eventually develop into the more maturated cells located further towards the vaginal surface. The next layer towards the surface is composed of layers of Parabasal Cells. Both these cell types are small with little cytoplasm, large nuclei and no nutritional content to help sustain the healthy bacteria in the vagina. If the vagina receives some estrogen stimulation then the Parabasal Cells maturate into Intermediate Cells, which have some nutritional content for healthy vaginal bacteria. If there is full estrogen loads available, then Intermediate Cells maturate into Maturated Squamous cells with tiny nuclei and large amount of cytoplasm with abundant glycogen and other nutrients for the lactobacilli species of bacterial that dominate the vagina micro-flora in reproductive age women under healthy conditions.The Superficial Maturated Squamous Cells are the cells on the top layers of the mucosal lining, meaning directly in contact with the vaginal secretions in healthy conditions. These cells are exfoliated into the vagina and are part of normal vaginal secretions. Their presence in adequate numbers are key to supplying the nutrients for lactobacilli to thrive. This layer of superficial maturating squamous cells make up the lining or mucosa of the vagina.

The Clinical Problem: I have found that women with vulvovaginal burning, stinging, or rawness AND women with recurrent vaginal bacterial or yeast infections ANS chronic odor, have something different about their vaginal mucosa. While most women respond to any type of estrogen to get their vaginal mucosa to fully maturate. Women with these conditions do not respond to any of the estrogen products made by US pharmaceuticals. This is where FGI expertise comes in. I has developed unique topical agents that stimulate the vaginal mucosa causing it to maturate. The trick is that each woman requires a little bit different formula in order to respond depending on their hormone profiling (HP) and VFA test results.


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